These aren't going to be questions I'll be exploring in this post. I've noticed that my last few have been fairly academic and long, so I'm going to (try to) keep this one shorter and informal (if that's the right word).
One of the toughest things to do is to really know yourself. We're all incredibly complex and nuanced beings, and we are constantly changing and developing as we acquire new information and have more experiences. We aren't the same person we were five years ago, none of us are. We aren't even the same person we were a year ago, a month ago, even yesterday! We change often, whether that change is large or small. This change is why it's so hard for us to truly know ourselves, and at the same time, why I think it's important for us to spend the time to truly get to know ourselves.
My encouragement to you is to spend some time and really take a good, hard look at yourself. Write down things that describe you, and experiences that you feel define you. Be entirely and brutally honest with yourself.
The only thing we can be absolutely sure of is that we, ourselves, exist in some way. I am the person I spend the most time with, so it should make sense to take the time to get to truly know myself. That way, I can be completely sure of everything I am, and everything I stand for. I can be confident that I stand alone, and that there is none other like me. In knowing myself too, I can know what things would compliment me. I can then surround myself with people who not only compliment me, thereby helping me to improve myself, but also with people I compliment, thereby improving them and society.
So I encourage you again: take some time this week and examine yourself. Get to know yourself!
If we know ourselves, we can master ourselves.
If we can master ourselves, we can master others.
If we can master others, there is nothing left that cannot be achieved.
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