Normally, I like to do something fun for my birthday. Last year, my brother Rees Manning came down with his girlfriend to help me celebrate my 21st with many shots of fireball whiskey. We ended up getting locked out of my room and having rap battles with the neighbors. It was a good time! The year before that, I made a playlist of my Top 20 favorite songs.
This year though, I decided to look back and list some of my most important memories (22 of them to be exact). These are the ones I thought were particularly striking and meaningful in my life, or just moments I'll always remember.
- The time my sister and I got lost in the woods when visiting my grandparent's cabin (first, and hopefully last near-death experience)
- The time Rees fell asleep early, so Joe, Zach and I used his body as our drawing board (I still have the pictures)
- Playing an ARAM against Salce and winning (back when ARAM's were still only done through custom games)
- The day my mom came out to my sister and I (I love you mom!)
- The day I got my driver's license (the scariest day for my parents to date)
- The Faith Community Church middle school retreat to Cloudland Canyon (one of the best trips I've ever been on)
- The day I became an Eagle Scout (totally worth it)
- The day I graduated form high school (and then realized I was finished with the easy stuff)
- The time I learned that you don't need a microwave to make popcorn (talk about game chager!)
- The day I got Netflix (the day when my time was no longer my own)
- My "first" kiss, my first "kiss", and my "first kiss" (funny stories all, I might post about them later)
- The junior college trip (7 mile high club)
- The senior cruise (will definitely be posting about that one later)
- The 3 consecutive championship games I played in for Crown Football (0-3 but I loved every minute of it)
- The day we got Jack (seriously, smartest dog in the world)
- The day I accepted myself for who I was (that's a story I'll keep to myself I think, but it was one of the most liberating moments of my life)
- The time that Kate caught me checking out Brianna at the mall (busted!)
- The night Watson Thunder came to be (thunder...thunder...thunder...THUNDERCATS HO!)
- The time Austin Jennings and I fought off an attacking shark (nurse sharks count!!!)
- The time my family and I went to Italy for 3 weeks (7 years ago today I turned 15 at the city of Pompeii)
- The time we drove through the night when Mackenzie was born
- My first pentakill (people be chasing Singed all day every day)
I'm done being sentimental now. Here's to another trip around the sun!
P.S. Leave a memory you have of us in the comments! I love reminiscing!
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